"Those unfortunate people who have never known a chronic condition, who have never crawled alone through shadows, will never know the deep appreciation we feel when a black duck moment lights up our hearts." - From March 19th
If you’re reading this, you either have a chronic condition or know someone who does. Opiate overdoses, depression, loss of productivity, suicide: The consequences of a chronic condition touch us all. How is that we can have so many procedures and surgeries and medications and still feel miserable? How do we find even a moment of happiness when the pain is killing us?
In this inspirational, wise, and accessible book, Bruce F. Singer provides a daily dose of hope to address the underlying thoughts and feelings that magnify chronic pain and suffering. Through a brilliant original metaphor for embracing wellness, he encourages us to shift our attention from the familiar and habitual “white ducks” of fear, shame, anger, and sadness to the “black ducks” of acceptance, gratitude, and compassion. Each day of the year becomes a fresh opportunity to understand our values and commit to living with purpose and passion despite pain or illness. This is a book to keep on your e-reader or nightstand to read a page daily. No matter where you start, the clear, insightful affirmations will motivate you to transform your life and find black duck moments every day.