Bruce F. Singer, Psy.D.
Pain & Addiction Psychologist
Patient Advocate
Basic Information About the Book:
Full Title of Book: Black Duck Moments Every Day: Daily Affirmations for Chronic Pain and Chronic Illness
Short Title of Book: Black Duck Moments Every Day
Author: Bruce F. Singer, Psy.D.
Website URL:
Publisher: Lulu
Publication Date: September, 2018
Available as an eBook: Yes
Press Contact:
Biographical Information on Bruce F. Singer:
Name: Bruce F. Singer, Psy.D.
Title: Chief Clinical Officer, Urban Recovery Center (Brooklyn, NY)
Short Bio: BRUCE F. Singer, Psy.D., is an internationally recognized expert on mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) treatments for individuals with chronic pain and substance use disorders. Dr. Singer is the Chief Clinical Officer of Urban Recovery Center, the first high-end residential treatment center in New York City. Previously, he created and directed the Chronic Pain and Recovery Center at Silver Hill Hospital, and served as Chief of Psychology at Crossroads Centre, Antigua and as Clinical Director at VIBE, Italy. An outspoken patient advocate with a unique solution-focused perspective on the current opioid crisis, he is a member of the Medical Advisory Board to the U.S. Pain Foundation and a board member of Chronic Pain Anonymous.
In addition to his work at URC, Dr. Singer trains clinicians throughout the United States, consults with treatment centers to improve outcomes, and delivers talks on psychosocial approaches to recovery that are known for their wit, spirituality, and compassion. Before becoming a psychologist, he was a successful Hollywood writer with many produced credits to his name. His original recordings of guided meditations and meditative music can be found at Bruce F. Singer and or through nearly all music services. You can connect with him through Twitter (@blackduckmoment), Instagram (@blackduckmoments), or on Face Book where he administers the Black Duck Moments for Recovery support group. He divides his time between Brooklyn and Candlewood Lake in Connecticut.
About Black Duck Moments Every Day:
Dr. Singer spent more than a year writing Black Duck Moments Every Day, which will be released this September in tandem with National Chronic Pain Awareness Month. In this inspirational, honest, and accessible book, Bruce F. Singer provides a daily dose of hope to address the underlying thoughts and feelings that magnify chronic pain and suffering. Black Duck Moments Every Day is based on a brilliant original metaphor for embracing wellness that encourages individuals to shift their attention from the familiar and habitual “white ducks” of fear, shame, anger, and sadness to the “black ducks” of acceptance, gratitude, and compassion.
Pre-publication Praise for Black Duck Moments Every Day:
“Our lives evolve and change when we experience new things, but not if we don't notice. This book asks us to witness the paradigm busting exceptions that arise each and every day, hidden in plain sight. It is such a small thing, but that very fact is yet another "black duck." The seeds of life-transformation are all around you. Spend a year in a daily practice of noticing them and you cannot help but be changed for the better.”
-Steven C. Hayes
Foundation Professor of Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno
Author of: Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
“At last, an entire book about an important and frequently overlooked theme: subtle can be significant. Deep transformation can come about if you bring enough concentration, clarity, and equanimity to the often-tiny positives that are naturally available even in the midst of immense negatives.”
-Shinzen Young
Author of: The Science of Enlightenment
“Dr. Bruce Singer brings a wealth of experience and understanding to the complex world of chronic pain. In Black Duck Moments Every Day, Dr. Singer provides a daily companion of comfort, strength, and encouragement for the difficult journey faced by individuals living with chronic pain—and those who care for them.”
-Peter Rosenberger
Syndicated radio host and author of Hope for The Caregiver.
“Black Duck Moments Every Day is an inspirational source of light for those living with chronic pain who feel that they are often times living in the darkness. In such a beautiful and supportive way, Bruce F. Singer provides daily affirmations to help those suffering tap into and embrace their own happiness and see beyond their condition. These black duck moments, as Bruce calls them, exist everywhere, but our pain and fear can block us from seeing what’s truly good in our lives. When we learn to tap into our own inner light, our consciousness shifts and we’re able to see and celebrate the true beauty in ourselves and the world around us. This book is an incredible companion for just that! These daily affirmations will leave you with a renewed perspective, appreciation and deep sense of compassion toward yourself and your journey of life. It's a must-have for anyone committed to living their best life!”
-Julie Santiago
Founder of The Gratitude Circle on Face Book
Author of: Awaken
“Black Duck Moments provide much needed relief to those whose lives have revolved around chronic pain. With uplifting perspective, Dr Singer captures the beauty of being in the moment while providing inspiration to those that suffer.”
-Rokelle Lerner
Senior Clinical Advisor, Crossroads Antigua
Author of: Affirmations for Adult Children of Alcoholics, Affirmations for the Inner Child and The Object of My Affection is My Reflection: Coping with Narcissists
“This book is infused with the theme of gratefulness. And with gratitude, life does indeed become rich. I am deeply grateful to Bruce Singer for… this rich, humane, inspiring, and at times, humorous daily devotional.”
-Robert A. Emmons
Professor of Psychology
University of California, Davis
Author of: The Little Book of Gratitude:
Create A Life of Happiness and Wellbeing by Giving Thanks
“Black Duck Moments” encompasses all of the issues that those of us with chronic illness live with every day, but with the unique twist of looking for the “black ducks”, those moments of relief, throughout each of them. Dr. Singer uses thoughtful and mindful insight to provide us with a daily reprieve from our common issues, simply by looking at them through a new lens. This way of responding differently to my pain has been a gamechanger for me and these daily readings are a long overdue necessity for anyone wanting to live a happy and fulfilling life despite their chronic pain/illness. I’m officially a farmer of “black ducks” and if you live with chronic illness, you will most definitely want to be too. Fantastic!”
-Lauren Blanchard Zalewski, The Gratitude Addict
“Bruce Singer's daily writings in the book Black Duck Moments Every Day is from the Heart and inspirational. Bruce shares his raw and inspiring story of finding, cultivating, and even creating the good moments when living with chronic illness. His deep understanding of how to manage pain by changing your actions and outlook is a must-read for those who need motivation and hope. Thank you, Bruce for empowering patients to be engaged and make the best of life even in the worst of times.”
-Barby Ingle, President,
International Pain Foundation
“Dr. Singer brings levity, wisdom, and heartfelt guidance to help you shape the conversation in your head – and your life – to achieve the positive change you crave. Read Black Duck Moments Every Day and each day be inspired to live beyond your pain.”
-Beth Darnall, PhD
Clinical Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine. Author of: Less Pain, Fewer Pills, The Opioid-Free Pain Relief Kit, and Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain.
BRUCE F. SINGER is available for all forms of media interviews on the treatment of chronic pain, a creative, dynamic, and unique perspective on the current opiate epidemic, and for spiritual and psychological approaches to the treatment of addiction. To book Dr. Singer for your show, magazine story, or newspaper, please contact Mary Kluge at 914-673-1109.